
Lecture 1 - Introduction

Mô tả bài giảng

Lecture 2 - Analytical perspective

Mô tả

Supplemental reading:

  • Chapter 17 of CS229 notes on policy gradient [Link]
  • Vinyals, Oriol, et al. "Pointer networks." NeurIPS'15. [Link]
  • Bello, Irwan, et al. "Neural combinatorial optimization with reinforcement learning." Workshop track of ICLR'17. [Link]

Lecture 2 - Analytical perspective

Mô tả

Supplemental reading:

  • Chapter 17 of CS229 notes on policy gradient [link]
  • Vinyals, Oriol, et al. "Pointer networks." NeurIPS'15. [link]
  • Bello, Irwan, et al. "Neural combinatorial optimization with reinforcement learning." Workshop track of ICLR'17. [link]